Tuesday, June 17, 2008


There is an art to receiving unwanted advice. I'm not sure I'm an artist.

In an attempt to give everyone the benefit of doubt I am going to assume this is my problem. I've got a sort of annoyance reaction, which I try to internalize, when I receive advice that is not welcome. The kind of advice that usually starts with "You should". It is especially hard when I don't understand the 'advisors' position. My bridled reaction is to ask a lot of questions probing their position. My unbridled reaction is to ask a lot of questions about the 'advisors' expertise on the subject. Interestingly enough, both approaches usually end with the 'advisor' wondering why they maintain that position on the topic. I don't consider myself a particularly good debater but, with my competitive nature, I consider this a win.

So why do people think it's appropriate to just blurt out unsolicited advice? "You should do this" "You should do that" Wouldn't it be so much better if people created a dialog about their particular point that might convince the other party of their point? Or better yet, led them to make up their own mind in concurrence with your opinion.

My advice: How do you form an opinion?

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