Thursday, June 19, 2008


I feel like I live my life most enjoyably when I perceive progress is being made. It could be my own my wife's, kid's, at work, fitness, spiritually, whatever. As long as I feel like progress is being made then everything in life is better.

So then, I wonder, is there a built in process for a figurative roller coaster so I can make progress that was already made and lost? This might seem self-destructive but I'm not so sure since the key is 'perception' and progress is being made. I've heard a theory that jives with mine. Relationships are all a push and pull cycle where we pull our partner in until we feel threatened and then we push them away.

Anyway, I notice these kinds of things in myself and other people. We really get motivated by progress. Business owners and sales people are almost always doing great when asked by competition or prospects. Sports teams motivate each other with individual achievements. We've all heard the term "Now we're gettin' somewhere!".

So then I ask, where would we be without progress...emotionally?

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