Friday, June 13, 2008

Business Proposal for Hiring Me

It strikes me that a hiring manager should be responsible for the value derived from an employee hired by them. As a small business owner I had to develop analysis for identifying the value from these options: hiring an employee, outsourcing, hiring a consultant or doing it myself. I assume a hiring manager must do the same on a myopic level based on the breadth of their responsibilities. As a company grows it becomes more and more difficult to assign definitive employee value analysis, but still possible.

I try to put myself in the shoes of the hiring manager and describe the value I think I can provide that company/division/department. Since I have started and built businesses my confidence is relatively high that I can successfully fulfill the expectations of the particular role for which I am applying. I just have to convince the hiring manager.

As a small business CEO/President/Manager develops his/her business, every little piece of the process contributes to the bottom line. Small means nimble and lean with transparent processes that are analyzed continuously...and improvements go directly to the bottom line. Remember, the bottom line = more payroll or more perks or more time for other stuff or less hassle. It is direct indisputable incentive to get it done right, as "right" as possible.

If I could not get a particular task done satisfactorily I figured out how to get it done another way, but it got done. So wouldn't it be logical for a hiring manager to assume I can apply these characteristics to the corporate role at hand? With experience building companies, teams, solutions, products, services, processes, etc. that produced livelihoods internally and externally, these experiences are valuable in any C-level, VP or Director role.

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